Assoc Prof Kassahun Ture

Associate Professor

Dr. Kassahun Ture (Associate professor of Atmospheric Physics) is faculty member of Centre for Environmental Science, Addis Ababa University since 2016. His role is teaching and advising Masters and PhD students and coordinating research projects. He has published more than 50 articles in reputable journals mainly in climate change and variability, adaptation and air pollution with more than 615 citations. Lead projects in climate change and variability analysis, and used Artificial intelligence in climate change research. Focal person and chapter writer in Ethiopian third national communication submitted to United Nation Framework Convention for climate change. Currently, he is head of the Climate Science Centre of Addis Ababa University and Focal person of Ethiopia for Least Developed Countries Consortium for Climate Change (LUCCC). Dr. Kassahun has won several national competitive research grants and supervised many graduate students. He serves in leadership roles, including as the Dean of School of Graduate studies, at Madda Walabu University, Ethiopia. Furthermore, Dr. Kassahun has strong search collaborations with researchers/professors in USA, UK, Sweden and Norway. His role in CzASE project is research supervision on climate change studies especially in indigenous knowledge of weather and climate forecast and integrating it with scientific forecasting.