A very warm welcome to our alumni and friends!
We would like to strengthen our interaction with our alumni and so we invite you to monitor faculty events using the online calendar. UCT hosts a number of seminars and Open Lectures featuring visiting academics and global opinion leaders. This will enable you to join a network of friends, former class mates and the wider university community.
Access wider UCT Alumni news, updates and events at alumni.uct.ac.za. Keep in touch with us and update your details. Connect, reconnect and build your professional network through LinkedIn. Stay up to date with alumni events in your area.
Thinking of returning?
Are you considering studying further? Visit our Postgraduate pages and access a diverse range of postgraduate programmes.
Keep up to date
The Humanities Update was an alumni newsletter aimed at keeping you abreast of faculty news and events. We have since discontinued the Humanities Update publication, but we continue to celebrate the year’s highlights in our regularly published articles on Humanities achievements:

UCT Faculty of Humanities Hosts Transforming Knowledge for Just and Sustainable Futures Findings Workshop

UCT Inaugural Lecture: Professor Shose Kessi

Reflecting on the Kobo Table Talks: A Celebration of the Basotho Blanket’s Cultural and Academic Legacy

Download the past magazine PDF files here:
Humanities Update, December 2018
Humanities Update, December 2016
Humanities Update, December 2015
Humanities Update, December 2014
Humanities Update, December 2013
Humanities Update, November 2012
Humanities Update, November 2011
Humanities Update,September 2010
Humanities Update, September 2009
Humanities Update, June 2008
Humanities Update, June 2007