The Faculty of Humanities has a team of curriculum advisors for undergraduate students, available throughout the semester. When you meet with a curriculum advisor, always make sure you bring along (or attach, if you are requesting advice by email):
  1. a printout of your academic record, and
  2. a Change of Curriculum form. 

Change of curriculum forms can be downloaded from the UCT Student Administration website, or you can retrieve it from the 'Downloads' section below. We encourage you to visit UCT Student Administration web page regularly since most administrative forms are available from this URL. 

Your academic record must be printed off PeopleSoft on the web; make sure you have printed a new version since the last time you made changes to your curriculum. If you cannot remember how to download your academic record, you can find instructions on the SSS site. Note that the academic record runs a report which may give you a page listing all the times you have requested the record in the past; if it does this, make sure you click on the most recent date, not an old one which may not be up to date.

General BA/BSocSc Curriculum Advisors

Advisors are available during the semester for in-person consultations, including the exam period. Advisors are not available during the vacation period (including mid-semester vacation).

General degree advisors (who can advise students in both the three-year and extended BA and BSocSc degrees) are available during the semester (teaching days, consolidation period and exams) in their offices according to the below advisor timetable, you can print out your academic record and go to see them in their scheduled consultation time:

Structured Programme Advisors

Students in structured programmes, i.e. those other than the general degrees, should see their programme convenors for curriculum advice. 

BA Film and Media Production
Bachelor of Social Work
Theatre and Dance Performance degree and diploma
Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art
Music degree and diploma