1. Pre-registration clearance:
- International students (SADC countries included) must obtain clearance from IAPO.
- Students who did not clear their fees from the previous year before the end of the year must obtain clearance from the Fees Office.
2. Postgraduate Registration:
Collect your forms from your departmental administrator. You should get a registration form and a curriculum form. You also need a memorandum of understanding and if you have completed your coursework and are registering for a minor dissertation for the first time. Complete all the required forms as far as possible and discuss your proposed curriculum with the programme convenor before completing your curriculum form.
Please note: different qualifications may require the completion of different forms:
Registration form: |
All qualifications |
Curriculum form: |
All qualifications |
MoU: |
All Masters and PhDs (In second and subsequent years Masters and PhD students complete an annual supplement to the original MoU) |
Take the curriculum form to your programme convenor to approve your course selection. Discuss your proposed courses to ensure that you've met all the requirements for the programme.
Thereafter, take your curriculum form (now completed and signed off), registration form and MoU to the Dean's representative
Give your signed forms back to the administrator to have the data captured. The administrator will capture your chosen courses and read back to you what is on the system. Pay careful attention to make sure that you have been registered for the correct courses.
Check your registration online within 48 hours, and report any problems to the administrator at the Faculty Office. Failure to check your registration record could have fee implications.
Overall processing time: 2-4 hours (depending on volume).
3. Re-registration:
- In terms of University rules students are required to maintain continuous registration until graduation. In February each year you must renew your registration (earlier if necessary for Research Masters and PhD students). A late registration penalty (R2000) is applied where re-registration does not take place by the due dates. Registration dates are published on the web. If you are not in the country at the time of re-registration, you should arrange in advance with the Graduate School in Humanities for a faxed copy of the forms to be sent to you.
- If you plan to interrupt your studies for a year, you must apply for a leave of absence so that you are able to return in the following year without having to reapply.
- If you do not maintain continuous registration and you decide to return after an interruption for which you did not take leave of absence, you will need to reapply.
4. Leave of Absence:
Leave of absence is granted to Masters and PhD students for one semester or for a whole year. LOA is not normally granted for programmes with a duration of one year unless there are medical grounds. LOA will only be granted once during a period of registration for a particular qualification, eg, once as a Masters student and once as a PhD student.
Students must apply to the Faculty Office for Leave of Absence. Leave of absence (LOA) form ACA37 needs to be completed and submitted on PeopleSoft. (Procedure)
5. Cancellation:
- If you plan to discontinue your studies you must formally cancel your registration with the Humanities Faculty. Depending on when this occurs, you may be eligible for a fee rebate (consult the Fees handbook). If you discontinue without formally cancelling, you remain liable for the full fee.