Feminist Africa - Extractivism, Resistance, Alternatives

05 May 2021
Feminist Africa - Extractivism, Resistance, Alternatives
Feminist Africa, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2021)
05 May 2021

Feminist Africa, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2021): Extractivism, Resistance, Alternatives is the latest edition of journal. Edited by Charmaine Pereira and Dzodzi Tsikata, this issue marks the successful transition of the journal from its birthplace, the African Gender Institute at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, across the continent to the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana, Accra.

Pereira and Tsikata (2021:1)  refer to “extractivism as the longstanding colonial and imperialist phenomenon of accumulating wealth by extracting a wide range of natural resources from countries colonised in Africa, Asia and the Americas, and exporting this wealth to the metropoles. The natural resources involved are oil, gas and minerals, as well as the resources extracted from agriculture, seeds, land and water. This is the process at the heart of so-called “development”, but the process leaves former colonised countries underdeveloped and impoverished”.  This issue of Feminist Africa includes “feminist analyses of diverse manifestations of extractives in Africa, the resistance to its consequences, and the alternatives that are being pursued” (ibid).

Read and download Feminist Africa, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2021): Extractivism, Resistance, Alternatives:  https://feministafrica.net/2021/04/09/feminist-africa-volume-2-issue-1-2021-extractivism-resistance-alternatives/