Elena Moore publishes article in 'Gender & Society'

Elena Moore, senior lecturer in the Sociology department and director of the Families and Society Research Unit (FaSRU) at the Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), has authored an article on findings from the Customary Marriage study, published in Gender & Society, one of the most highly-cited journals in Women's Studies and Sociology. The article entitled "Forms of Femininity at the End of a Customary Marriage" reports on particular aspects of a wider collaborative study on customary marriage, divorce and intestate succession. The study is a collaboration between the NRF Chair in Customary Law, Prof Chuma Himonga, Elena Moore and The National Movement of Rural Women. It investigates the implementation of new laws in the area of marriage, divorce and intestate succession. The article presents how women resist, accommodate and adapt and contest power and authority at the end of a customary marriage. In doing so, it outlines how women are fighting new areas of struggle and renegotiating relations between genders and generations.