Congratulations to our December 2015 graduates

DECEMBER 2015 GRADUATES (Thesis and Honours Research Project titles in italics)
PhD graduates

At the crossroads of the identity (re)construction process: an analysis of ‘fateful moments’ in the lives of coloured students within an equity development programme at UCT
Supervisor: Dr Johann Graaff

From Victims to Warriors: Collective Identity Generation at Cancer Assemblies in South Africa
Supervisor: Dr Johann Graaff and Dr Jacques de Wet
Research Master’s graduates

Nicole Daniels
The gendered experiences of women, men and couples who plan, have and narrate homebirths
Supervisor: Dr Elena Moore and Dr Rachelle Chadwick
Sam Telzak
Shifting economic perceptions in South Africa: the impact of migration
Supervisor: Prof Jeremy Seekings
Coursework Master’s graduates
Charlton Esterhuizen
South African social theory: Steve Biko
Supervisor: Prof Xolela Mangcu
Mighael Lombard
eThekwini’s changing occupational structure: A question of deindustrialisation and racial inequality
Supervisor: Prof Owen Crankshaw
Jared Rossouw
“True, reliable and valid?” Data and community experience in the case of the janitorial service social audit
Supervisor: A/Prof Sophie Oldfield
Honours graduates
Kate Bassett
Perceptions of being Equipped: A Study of the Volunteer Wildfire Services
Supervisor: Dr Jonathan Grossman
Marlyn Faure
Income Inequality as a Determinant of Health: The Case for Developing Countries
Supervisor: Prof Nicoli Nattrass
Emma Gelb
Accessing Nature: The Experiences of Rastafarians in Accessing Nature for the Harvesting of Medicinal Plants
Supervisor: Dr Frank Matose
Caroline Kensett
Can Ethical Certification play a Developmental Role? A Study of Ethical Certification in the Wine Industry in the Western Cape
Supervisor: A/Prof David Lincoln
Jessica Loizides
Community-Based Tourism as a Development Strategy: A Case Study of Guga S’thebe Arts and Cultural Centre, Langa
Supervisor: Dr Jacques de Wet
Marietha Lugwe
Employee Motivation: What Motivates Generation Y in the Workplace?
Supervisor: Prof Ari Sitas
Patricia Malila
An Exploration of Female-Headed Households in the Male Dominated Sector of Tobacco Production in Rural Malawi
Supervisor: Dr Frank Matose
Rufaro Moyo
Shedding Light in Dark Spaces: An exploration of why the topic of Intimate Partner Violence in same-sex couples has been largely unexplored in South African academia and activism
Supervisor: Dr Amrita Pande
Juliana Pita
Nature of Popular Protests in Africa: A Case Study of Uganda
Supervisor: Dr Ruchi Chaturvedi
Maxine Sa Couto
Share Equity Schemes and Land Equity Schemes in the Development of the South African Wine Industry: New Beginnings as a Case Study
Supervisor: Dr Frank Matose
Kgaugelo Sebidi
Extended Degree Students’ Academic Experiences: A Comparative Analysis of Two First Year Courses – SOC1006F and SOC1007S
Supervisor: Dr Shannon Moreira
Kathryn Wooldridge
The Way in Which Women in the Non-Destructive Testing Industry in South Africa Experience Gender Roles, Attitudes and Discrimination
Supervisor: A/Prof Rajen Govender