Honours, Master's and PhD Scholarships

A research project titled “Rand and the Reproductive Body: Markets for Reproduction in South Africa” is being initiated by the Sociology and Anthropology departments. The project will examine the processes through which new reproductive technologies and the related “bioeconomies” (markets in reproductive tissues, gametes and related reproductive service provision) affect and get affected by existing structures of stratification as well as motherhood and kinship in South Africa. In South Africa the increasing incidence of new technologies and markets in reproduction are linked to demand side factors like increased incidence of infertility and the societal stigma of remaining childless. But it is also connected to other supply-side factors like medical tourism, neo-liberalisation of health-care and the rise of private-sector corporate hospitals. In fact in 21st century South Africa, almost all aspects of reproduction – from eggs, sperms and embryo provision, surrogacy services and other forms of assisted conception to pre-natal fetal testing, surgical interventions during pregnancy and even breast-milk provision have been technologised and commodified. How do individuals and families in South Africa negotiate these new technologies and “bio-economies”? How do these bio-economies affect and get affected by social processes like family and kinship ties and structures like race, class and gender?
Interested students from African countries, whether scholars of gender studies, African Studies, anthropology and/or sociology, are welcome to apply.
As this is funded by the NRF preference will be given to black scholars.
For those interested, contact Dr Amrita Pande (amrita.pande@uct.ac.za).
Applications for Honours and Master's studies must be submitted by the 15th of February (please note that applicants must have been admitted to UCT for the 2016 academic year). They should include prior results and a page outlining their interest in the project.
PhD applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Prospective PhD applicants can contact Gina Fourie (gina-mari.fourie@uct.ac.za) for more details.