The African Gender Institute (AGI) invites you to a discussion titled: #SONA: the (ir)relevance of feminism 101?


Nadia Sanger (Independent feminist scholar and regular thought-leader with the Weekly Mail and Guardian)

Marianne Thamm (Independent journalist)

On Thursday 12th February, the South African nation (those with both electricity and television sets) was riveted by the spectacle of the State of the Nation address. For days afterwards, political speculation and discussion circulated widely, and footage shot with cell phones was e-transferred as though it was currency. Debates raised questions of the Rules, the meaning of security forces in a parliamentary space, President Zuma’s heh-heh, and the validity of the Speaker’s decisions. Nothing in the coverage suggested that political analysis which took the politics of gender and sexualities seriously could be remotely relevant to understanding what #SONA meant for the State of the Nation. This Talking the Walk session will explore the (unsurprising?) absence of such an idea…. and ask what a ‘feminist’ tweet, write, say, #SONA?


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