'Wombs in Labour: Paradox of Commercial Surrogacy in India’ by Amrita Pande

1pm - 2pm (with light snacks)
AXL Seminar Room, Level 4, Harry Oppenheimer Building, Upper Campus, UCT
Amrita Pande, author of Wombs in Labor: Transnational Commercial Surrogacy in India (2014: Columbia University Press) is a Senior Lecturer in the Sociology department at University of Cape Town. Her research focuses on the intersection of new technologies and reproductive labor. Her work has appeared in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Gender and Society, Critical Social Policy, International Migration Review, Qualitative Sociology, Feminist Studies, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, PhiloSOPHIA, Reproductive BioMedicine and in numerous edited volumes and newspapers. She is currently involved in various research projects involving gender and migrant workers in Lebanon and South Africa. She is also an educator-performer touring the world-over with a multi-media theatre production, Made in India: Notes from a Baby Farm based on her ethnographic work on surrogacy.