Dr Sally Swartz
Background and research interests
- Psychotherapy
- Psychoanalytic practise in South Africa
- History of psychiatry
- Psychology and colonialism.
Teaching responsibilities
Presently, all my teaching is at the M.A. Clinical level. I am the director of the Child Guidance Clinic, and I teach on both the M.A. Clinical I and Clinical II years.
Selected publications
Swartz, S. (2000). Narrating the body: emerging perspectives on mind-body relationships in self and intersubjective psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Psycho-analytic Psychotherapy in South Africa 8, 21-35.
Swartz, S. (1999). Lost Lives: gender, history and mental illness in the Cape, 1891-1910. Feminism & Psychology 9, 152-158.
Swartz, S. (1999). Using psychodynamic formulations in South African clinical settings. South African Journal of Psychology, 29, 42-48.
Swartz, S. (1999). "Work of mercy and necessity". British rule and psychiatric practice in the Cape colony, 1891-1910. International Journal of Mental Health, 28, 72-90.
Swartz, S, and Ismail, F. (2001) A motley crowd: The emergence of personality disorder as a diagnostic category in early twentieth-century South African psychiatry. History of Psychiatry, 12, 157-176.
Louw, J. and Swartz, S. (2001). An English asylum in Africa: Space and order in Valkenberg Asylum. History of Psychology, 4, 3-23.