Eyob Balcha Gebremariam: The Africa Charter & Africa’s Ecosystem of Health Research & Policy-Making: A Decolonial Critique

E: huma@uct.ac.za
Bio: Dr Eyob Balcha Gebremariam is an awardee of the joint UCT - UoB Fellowship. He also won the 2022 Thandika Mkandawire Prize for Outstanding Scholarship in African Political Economy and Economic Development. He is a Research Associate at the Perivoli Africa Research Centre, University of Bristol. He received his doctoral degree in Development Policy and Management from the University of Manchester, UK. He taught African Political Economy and African Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science (2017- 2021). He also held a Matasa Fellowship position at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK (2016/17). His research areas include the politics of knowledge production in Africa (decolonial perspectives), African political economy, the politics of development, and young citizens’ engagement in politics.
Topic: The Africa Charter provides a unique analytical framework for understanding multiple layers of power imbalances in scientific knowledge production in, on and about Africa. The heuristic framework can serve as a lens for examining and unravelling the manifestations of coloniality in different disciplines and fields. In this talk, I focus on the kinds of questions and framings we can pursue to understand Africa’s ecosystem of health research and policy-making. The presentation will highlight the continuity and evolution of the depiction of Africa in the mindset of the colonial era into the present-day efforts to address health issues through scientific research and policy interventions. I use the Africa Charter framework to examine the role of “development partners”, “philanthrocapitalism”, “Global North Universities and Research Institutions”, and Africa-based knowledge actors and institutions to show the manifestations of coloniality in Africa’s ecosystem of health research and policy-making.
Tea & Coffee will be served at 12:30 SAST (GMT+2).
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