Fanny Chabrol
Fanny Chabrol is a Visiting Research Fellow at HUMA – the Institute for Humanities in Africa, at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and a Research Fellow at the French Institute for Sustainable Development and Research (IRD), attached to the Population and Development Center (CEPED) in Paris, France. She holds a PhD in Sociology from the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Social Issues (EHESS), a postgraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Paris and a DESS in International Studies from INALCO, France. Her research focuses on infectious diseases and access to healthcare in public hospitals in Africa, the politics of health reform and Africa-China health cooperation, including through the building of new hospitals. More broadly, she is interested in the political economy of health, global health and health infrastructures in Africa and beyond, in the present and the future. Fanny has published on these issues, including the book: Prendre soin de sa population. L’exception botswanaise face au sida (Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 2014). She previously held the post of sub-Saharan Africa researcher at IRIS from 2001 to 2003. She has carried out several missions in Africa for the International Organisation of the Francophonie (Côte d’Ivoire, Congo) and in the framework of a research project funded by the National Agency for AIDS Research (ANRS) in South Africa and Botswana.