The Collegian Talk series hosts a number of different professionals who speak on curating and related practises. These talks happen during lunchtime giving students and staff members a chance to attend whilst lectures aren't going on. They are also open to the general public and are advertised through our Facebook page, mailing list and our website.
Below is a list of speakers we have hosted:
ruby onyinyechi amanze: The Process of Drawing
Nadia Kamies: Narratives of Shame, Performances of Respectability: 'Colouredness' through slavery, apartheid and democracy
Siona O'Connell: Screening of An Impossible Return followed by a Q&A
Penny Siopis and Mark Gevisser: Verwoerd and his assassins: Art, Archive and Biography
Lynn Abrahams: An analysis of Democratic South Africa’s National Estate
Tauriq Jenkins: The role of heritage protection through the arts and ‘unclenching the heart’ —classical theatre arts rehabilitation in incarcerated spaces
Nontobeko Ntombela: Allegories of Refusal: A few notes on Black African Feminist Curating
Koyo Kouoh: Institutional Building as a Curatorial Practice: The example of Zeitz MOCAA
CCA and Iziko collaboration for heritage week: A public debate to consider the ethical concerns around collecting for public institutions.
Olga Speakes: Open Curating