Curated by Michaelis lecturer Fabian Saptouw, Context drew together artists who use the book-object as a conceptual point of departure for the exploration of the printed text. The artists’ projects engage the history, value and institutional importance afforded to the book-object. The works on display grappled with the materiality and influence of the idea of the book and the way the notion of the book is related to artistic practice.
Traditional approaches to the production and preservation of books were artistically explored through loans from public and private collections, including the UCT Rare Books library. Other pieces on display included book-printing equipment such as movable type and printer’s quoins, exhibited alongside the art of prominent and emerging artists.
Participating artists:
Fritha Langerman, Colin Richards, Pippa Skotnes, Phillip Raath, Chloe Reid, Morne Visagie and Fabian Saptouw.