This exhibition, curated by Paul Weinberg, Warren Nelson (co-ordinator of the street photographer network) and Leanne Barling, coincided with the Michaelis Art Gallery’s focus on soccer during the World Cup in June 2010. For the most part, the exhibition featured the work of street photographers and school children who presented a perspective of soccer in the townships.
In South Africa, with its strong migrant and urban historical links, street photography has evolved into a distinct genre. Prevalent and pervasive, street photographers challenge official representations – of outsiders imaging the lives of others. This exhibition is a window on a world, highlighting how people photograph themselves and their fast changing typographies and cultures, as seen through the lens of football.
Far from official photographs, grand stadiums and headline grabbing photojournalism, the photographs invite us to rediscover the game of football, and the lives and passions of ordinary people who play and celebrate the game.
Soccer kultcha was funded by the Embassy of Sweden.