Campus Protection Services (CPS) telephone: 021 650 2222/3
Student medical emergencies
Steps to follow:
Make sure that emergency first aid is given immediately.
- Summon the nearest person responsible for first aid in your area.
Do not move the patient if they have any serious injuries.
Summon an ambulance if necessary - see phone numbers below.
Have the following information available:
- Exact location
- Nature of injuries
- Number of casualties
- Kind of assistance that is required
- Name of person reporting
Inform Campus Protection Services: 021 650 2222/3. They can also call emergency services for you.
Record patient details and all first aid that is administered. First aid kits are available at all security control rooms.
Be available to hand patients over to the emergency services or medically trained persons.
Please report any incident that happens on the campus to CPS even if there is no injury or damage. UCT will need to investigate the incident in order to prevent a similar occurrence.
The Safety Representative must complete a report form (HS02) and forward to the S.H.E. Department.
Ambulance phone numbers
- ER24 (UCT contracted): speed dial 8110 or 084 124
- Provincial Ambulance: 10177 or 0800 119 533
24-hour Emergency Units (Hospital)
Not Private (State):
Groote Schuur Hospital
Main Road, Observatory
Tel: 021 404-4112/4473
New Somerset Hospital
Portswood Road, Green Point
Tel: 021 402 6911/ 6408
Netcare Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital
181 Longmarket Street (off Loop Street)
Tel: 021 4806111
Mediclinic Cape Town
21 Hof Street
Tel: 021 4645500
Claremont Hospital Emergency Unit
Medical Centre, Main Rd, Claremont
Tel: 021 670 4333
Vincent Pallotti Hospital
Alexandra Rd, Pinelands
Tel: 021 506 4000
Rondebosch Medical Centre (opposite Red Cross Children's Hospital)
Emergency Unit
Tel: 021 685 8706
- Webb & Savoy, 34 Cnr Main & Durban Rds , Mowbray, Tel: 021 689 8923, Mon - Sat: 08h00 - 22h00; Sun: 09h00 - 22h00
- Rustenburg, Fountain Centre , Main Road, Rondebosch, Tel: 021 685 5998, Mon - Sat: 08h30 - 22h00; Sun: 09h00 - 21h00
- Clicks pharmacy, Riverside Centre, Tel: 021 685 0670/1
- Clicks pharmacy, Gardens Centre, Mill St, Gardens, Tel: 021 461 1077, Mon – Fri: 08h30 - 19h00; Sat: 09h00 - 17h00; Sun: 09h00 - 15h00
- Wellness Warehouse, Lifestyle of Kloof Centre, Kloof St, Gardens Tel: 021 487 542, Mon, Tues, Thu 08h00 – 19h00; Wed 09h00 – 19h00; Sat 09h00 – 17h00; Sun 10h00 – 15h00
Poisons unit
- Red Cross Hospital Tel: 021 689 5227 or 021 658 5308
- Tygerberg Hospital Tel: 021 031 6129 or 021 938 6235
Emergency contraception
(The "morning after pill")
Available at pharmacies, emergency units or freecall: 0800 117785
Students and Rape
In the case of a sexual assault or rape, the following action is recommended:
- Call the Campus Protection Services (CPS) office immediately at 021 650 2222/3. CPS officers are trained in dealing with these types of situation, allow them to assist.
- Call a friend or relative for support.
- Seek medical attention. If you have been raped please seek immediate medical attention, including post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV, sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. These are available at Groote Schuur Hospital or other appropriate medical facility.
You have access to medical care and treatment whether you lay a charge with the police or not. It's advisable to seek medical help as soon as possible. You may, however lay a charge at your local police station at any time, but also as soon as possible.
- Report the rape to the local South African Police Service (SAPS).
- Note the name of the police officer in charge of your case and your case number.
- It is important to remember that all evidence will be lost if a rape victim takes a bath, shower, or changes clothes.
Victoria Hospital Rape Forensic Unit Tel: (021) 799 1235
Alphen Hill Rd, Wynberg, Cape Town
Rape Crisis couselling lines and support
24 hr Crisis Line Tel: 021 447 9762
Athlone Tel: 021 633 9339
Khayelitsha Tel: 021 361 9085
Student Mental Health

Students facing any mental health challenges or contemplating suicide
SADAG (SA Depression and Anxiety Group) UCT Student Careline:
- 0800 24 25 26 free from a Telkom line or SMS 31393 for a call-me-back. This line offers 24/7 telephonic counselling, advice, referral facilities and general support to students facing any mental health challenges or contemplating suicide. The line is available to offer support and advice to anyone who is concerned about a student who might be in distress. The line is able to advise and refer callers to both internal UCT resources and external (NGO, public and private) mental health resources.
- Please make use of the SADAG UCT Student Careline if you are placed on a waiting list by reception at the Student Wellness Service or if you require emotional support while waiting for an appointment. The SADAG website contains useful information about mental health issues as well as details of their national helplines.