Welcome to the Department for the Study of Religions
The Department for the Study of Religions is committed to the study of religions which will contribute to public life in our local, regional, national and continental contexts.
We are dedicated to:
- the open, plural, intercultural, and interdisciplinary study of religion in all its forms;
- the in-depth study of African religious traditions;
- the creative and critical analysis of religion as a force in personal, social, economic and political life;
- the promotion of quality education and research in the study of religion as a vital contribution to the transformation and development of South Africa.
This is implemented through degree specialisations that focus on the broad themes of religion, culture, identity and ethics. The Department offers a systematic study of religion in public life, its meaning and significance in South Africa in particular and Africa in general. These themes are explored in core courses team-taught by faculty members and also reflected in various research projects and institutes presently housed in the Department.
Our core courses provide the thematic, methodological and theoretical foundations for all students who choose to pursue degrees in this department. Additional courses continue this focus within the established areas of specialisation: African Studies, Christian Studies, Comparative Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Buddhism and Japanese Religions, and Critical Theory.
For Undergrad Degree Requirements: REL Undergrad Studies
For Postgrad Degree Requirements: REL Postgrad Studies