"iNtlombe yeziNgqi zooMendi" directed by Mandla Mbothwe and Thando Doni

A CTDPS production in collaboration with Sibonelo Dance Project
Performed by CTDPS 3rd Year Acting cohort and dancers from the Sibonelo Dance Project.
Directed by Mandla Mbothwe & Thando Doni
Choreographed by Mzokuthula Gasa
Music Direction by Zimbini Makwetu
iNtlombe yeziNgqi zooMendi is an interdisciplinary, multilingual voices theatrical masterpiece brought to life by UCT's CTDPS in collaboration with Sibonelo Dance Projects. It is an exploration of the SS Mendi shipwreck tragedy that unfolded in the icy waters, claiming the lives of more than 600 black South African men in the early hours of the morning of 21 February 1917.
Under the direction of Mandla Mbothwe and Thando Doni, and choreographer Mzokuthula Gasa, with the evocative musical direction of Zimbini Makwetu and the illuminating touch of lighting designer Themba Stewart, iNtlombe yeziNgqi zooMendi emerges as an interdisciplinarily collaborative work of art that transcends traditional boundaries of performance and storytelling.
At its core, the production seeks to retrace and reimagine the myriad iterations of performances, exhibitions, screenings, rituals, and professional narratives surrounding the SS Mendi shipwreck. It delves deep into the hearts and minds of the men who found themselves in a moment of unimaginable peril, exploring their courage, determination, and spiritual resilience. It is about women and children, families from who these men left behind, it is about land and colonial crimes , about death, mourning, grieving and commemoration. Reclamation of the black valour and its constant rememberance.
The title "iNtlombe yeziNgqi zooMendi" encapsulates the essence of the performance, symbolizing a gathering of spirits and connections with the ancestral realm through dance, physical movements (iziNgqi) performed by the men and women.
Through a series of captivating vignettes, iNtlombe yeziNgqi zooMendi weaves together the past and present, inviting the audience to witness the triumphs and tragedies of those who perished, and to reflect on the enduring legacy of the SS Mendi heroes. The production serves as a powerful tribute to the indomitable spirit of the men who went down with the ship, their sacrifices echoing through time and space as a testament to their courage and resilience.
As the performers take the stage, they channel the voices of the departed, their movements and gestures a heartfelt plea for remembrance, reconciliation, and healing. The narrative unfolds with a sense of urgency and resurfacing, resonating with the haunting echoes of the deep, where the spirits of the lost souls find solace in the collective memory of those who bear witness to their story.
iNtlombe yeziNgqi zooMendi is more than a theatrical production; it is a transformative and immersive experience that challenges the audience to confront the shadows of the past, to acknowledge the injustices of history, and to celebrate the enduring power of human connection, resilience, and hope.
Join us on this unforgettable journey as we honour the legacy of the SS Mendi and many ships that carried black people to ensure that their voices continue to echo through the corridors of time, inspiring generations to come.
This performance: It is iNtlombe of remembering, of reclamation, of excavation, of Performing memory, mourning, grieving; it is a performance if iziNgqi of healing, of Land and self-love.
Camagu!! Kube Chosi kube Hele!!
Ngxe kwii ntsapho nezalamane,
Sixolise ngokuthe sakuphosa kwimizami yethu yokubiyisel isidima somntu ommnyama ngoku khumbula imigudu, neminikelo namadini bawenzayo ukubuyisela unhlaba ebantwini.
A CTDPS production in collaboration with Sibonelo Dance Project
Performed by CTDPS 3rd Year Acting cohort and dancers from the Sibonelo Dance Project.
Directed by Mandla Mbothwe & Thando Doni
Choreographed by Mzokuthula Gasa
Music Direction by Zimbini Makwetu
Lighting Design by Themba Stewart
CTDPS P4 Studio
UCT Hiddingh Campus
29 - 31 August 2024 @ 19h00
31 August 2024 @ 15h00