The Michaelis and Frank Joubert Art Teacher workshops were held on the 18th of April as part of an ongoing project with the Frank Joubert Art Centre and coinciding with the Frank Joubert Art Fair. The workshops are intended as short enrichment courses for teachers. The teachers had a great time and learned new skills which they will take back into the classroom.

Kurt Campbell ran a workshop entitled Not just a pretty face: Typography today. This workshop introduced some of the fundamentals of Typography and introduced the participants to some contemporary debates related to South African typeface production. 

Jean Brundrit ran a workshop entitled Do you want to paint like Vermeer? Experimenting with photo optical painting. In this workshop participants were introduced to  ideas about how Johannes Vermeer may have painted his ‘photo real’ paintings, and made a small black and white, oil painting using this technique.

Svea Josephy and Vanessa Cowling ran a workshop on Blue Prints: early photographic drawing. In this workshop teachers were introduced to Cyanotype or Blue Print printing.  Participants made shadow grams and blue prints using negatives. 

There were also opportunities for tertiary art educators to promote their schools. These included Stellenbosch Design Academy, Red and Yellow School, CPUT, Ruth Prowse, Vega, AAA and the Michaelis School of Fine Art. Here,  Anna Stielau and Jean Brundrit promoted Michaelis, answering learners and parents questions. 

The art fair was well attended with great activities for children, live bands, food and some amazing art work on the walls made by the learners.