Sarah Wilson
embodied is a body of work that is two-part. The first is the body as it exists. This is depicted through ceramic sculptures made from charcoal and porcelain clays, which created their monotone colourings. These sculptures double as pinhole cameras, through which the second part of the work - the black and white pinhole images - were created. This project manifested from looking at the way in which I have seen my body shape and grow over my life so far, and not recognising the various forms as reality. It looks to a distorted view of the self, and how these distortions can be acknowledged through unconventional methods, serving as therapy. The form of therapy that I have used to challenge my conceptions of my body was through the creation of the distorted ceramic sculptures that reflect the misconceived forms that I thought to be my reality. The second part of the therapeutic process was the capturing of the images. I would sit in front of the ceramic pinhole cameras and be confronted by the silence and by myself, anxiously waiting to view the developed image and see the reality of my form. The exposure captured reality showing movements that are so wonderfully created when using such a sensitive method of image-making. This project created a place for mindfulness and care to be cultivated in the creation of the physical sculptures and images, as well as for myself and mental wellbeing. The process allowed me to cultivate deeper connections to my creative process and to myself.