Third Year Photographic Field Trip 2019

06 May 2019
06 May 2019

In the first week of May The 3rd year photography majors went on the annual Photographic Field trip with their lecturers Jean Brundrit and Svea Josephy. The field trip is an opportunity for intensive closely supervised training in conceptual thinking in alternative environments.  Students try out different genres for example, documentary, landscape and constructed photography. The field trip encourages new directions in students work and allows them to try out radically different and more experimental approaches to problem solving. On the field trip students experimented with landscapes  and seascape (with early morning light), a daylight flash shoot and a night shoot / low light shoot. They also went on a boat trip and had the opportunity to shoot while at sea. Students were invited to internationally renown artist-photographer, Jo Ractliffe’s studio where she explained her work processes, showed vintage prints and shared her experience of the world of art. On Thursday 3rd year UCT photo students were joined by University of Stellenbosch 3rd year photo students, with their lecturer, Ashley Walters. Students worked in pairs on projects. Ashley facilitated a  digital compositing workshop and then students from both institutions worked together to produce images to composite later. On the way home students attended the Norval Foundations’ exhibition of David Goldblatt’s On the Mines. 

Thanks to Jo Ractliffe, Ashley Walters, the University of Stellenbosch, the University of Cape Town and the Norval Foundation for making it all possible.