The Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR) has always been comprised of research units as well as stand-alone projects. Over the past twenty years, a number of units have left the CSSR to become free-standing groupings. Other units have joined or have been established within the CSSR. It is illustrated by the timeline below: 

An infographic depicting the Units that have been associated with the CSSR since 2001 to present


Establishing the CSSR

When it was established in 2001, the CSSR comprised the already-established AIDS and Society Research Unit (ASRU), a new Social Surveys Unit, now renamed the Sustainable Societies Unit (SSU), a new Democracy in Africa Research Unit (DARU) and a new Data First Resource Centre (formed out of the Southern African Labour and Development Research Unit, SALDRU). In 2002, the rest of SALDRU also joined the CSSR. In 2005 the Data First Resource Centre and SALDRU left the CSSR and became two independent units. 

Major Developments in the Recent Past


Currently, the Centre for Social Sciences is comprised of the Adolescent Accelerators Research Hub, the Safety and Violence Initiative and the Sustainable Societies Unit