Khanyisa Ngemfundo launches animated videos to empower educators in supporting pregnant and adolescent mothers

The Khanyisa Ngemfundo (Be the Light Through Education) research team is thrilled to announce the release of a transformative video series aimed at equipping educators with the tools and knowledge to support pregnant and mother adolescents effectively.
This initiative, grounded in extensive mixed-methods research with adolescent mothers, educators, government stakeholders, and program implementers, aligns closely with the Department of Basic Education’s Policy on Learner Pregnancy. It also draws from an evidence-based toolkit designed to address the unique challenges faced by pregnant learners and young mothers.
The three-part video series serves as a valuable resource for educators, offering:
- Critical insights into the realities of learner pregnancy.
- Opportunities for self-reflection to better understand and address the needs of these learners.
- Practical strategies for creating supportive school environments and engaging broader support networks.

Animated videos Educators are invited to explore this series to enhance their capacity to create inclusive and supportive learning environments that meet the diverse needs of all students. Watch the videos and access the training toolkit here.