Presenter: Dr. Eric Margolis.  Eric Margolis is a Sociologist and Associate Professor retired from The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication at Arizona State University.  He is Past-President of the International Visual Sociology Association.  His scholarly interests include the politics of higher education, visual research methods in general and visual ethnography in particular. 

His most recent book is The Sage Handbook of Visual Research co-edited with Luc Pauwels. (Sage Publications, London, 2011).  

Title: “Visual Research for the Social Sciences"

In this talk “Research” will emphasize the production of “generalizable scientific knowledge.” While recognizing that there are other forms of visual research intended for ethnographic thick description, oral history, or investigation of unique situations.  I will emphasize qualitative and quantitative research of the kind typically subjected to oversight by the review boards protecting human subjects. For visual research there are two possibilities.  Using photographic imagery as data that will only be seen by the researcher; using images that are intended to be published or shown to the public. Anyway, for this talk I will include visual observations made with the eye (participant or non-participant observation) as well as images produced by any means and with any instrument.

Samples and examples can be found on my "work in progress" web site