Transcript validation to convert conditional offers to firm offers - where do I send my undergraduate transcript in order to validate my conditional UCT PGCE offer to a firm offer?
Final official transcripts may be sent by the prospective non-UCT student, as well as be sent via the issuing institution or examining authority, to admissions-pg@uct.ac.za. UCT students do not need to submit their final transcripts.
Accommodation - who may I contact to assist?
Please select the relevant option (left bar) on the Student Housing and Resident Life webpage / applying for residences. Scroll down to the 'contacts list' as needed.
Alternatively, email:
Where do I go for health-related concerns or counseling?
Contact Student Wellness Service at +27 (0)21 650 1020 or SADAG
Student Care Line 0800 24 25 26 or SMS 31393/3231
How do I arrange transport, parking, IT matters (data, laptops, software) and access control (student cards)?
The student tab on the UCT website has a services drop-down menu. Please select the relevant option.
Download, navigate and explore the UCT mobile App for more information on how to access various services.
Where can I find a list of General Contact Details for the university?
Vula - how do I access Vula?
PeopleSoft - how do I log in and what do I need to know?
Log on to PeopleSoft. Your student number will be your username and you will have to set your own password via Password Management.
The Emplid number is your PeopleSoft number (also found on the UCT student card)
Where can I find a list which explains course/PeopleSoft codes and symbols
Proof of PGCE registration - where can I obtain proof of my PGCE registration?
The unstamped version can be downloaded from PeopleSoft. Currently registered students should have access to PeopleSoft. You can generate a proof of registration letter with details on the programme in which you are registered and the courses you will be taking.
Follow these instructions:
- Log in to PeopleSoft with your student number and password, and click on 'self-service'
- Select the ‘proof of registration’ option and the year you require (this can be found on the drop-down menu 'Academic records' on the Student Centre)
- Follow the link and click on the green e-mail icon to send it to your student email account
- Log in to your student e-mail account
- Print out the proof of registration letter and bring it to the Student Records Office or take it to your faculty office to be stamped.
Change in Curriculum form (adding or dropping courses) - how may I obtain this form?
Kindly follow the steps below to complete the change in curriculum form to add or drop courses and download the form.
Your form must be submitted on PeopleSoft using the service-request function. For instructions on how to use service requests, see: Change Curriculum page on Vula (https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/2kCokU) or here.
•If you cannot upload it to PeopleSoft, you should approach your Faculty Office.•
You do not need to get it signed by an advisor before you upload it. The advisor will approve it in PeopleSoft.•
Monitor your service-requests in PeopleSoft to see any comments from your curriculum advisor
.•The service-request status will be changed to “accepted” when approved.•
Please allow three or four working days for this to take place.
Your transcript will then be updated.•
Check your updated enrollment changes in Student Administration Self Service within 72 hours and report any discrepancy to your Faculty Office immediately.
NB! Please consult the PGCE admissions advisor to confirm whether the courses of interest may be added/dropped.
Language SLL courses within PGCE (Educators SLL3114W) - do I register for SLL courses?
No. All students will be automatically registered for isiXhosa for Educators SLL3114W during the PGCE registration period. All students will do a proficiency test with the SLL staff, some students will be exempted from isiXhosa if they are proficient in isiXhosa or have taken it up at high school or during undergrad.
Cancellation of registration (deregister) - which steps should I follow in order to cancel my registration?
Procedure for Cancellation of Registration:
- Complete a Cancellation of Registration (ACA08) form
- Submit the completed ACA08 form by uploading it to a service request on PeopleSoft. You may follow this guide (link also provided on the form itself) to assist you in this process.
The admissions office will then process the form and send it on to the Fees Office for final processing (including the due fee reimbursements).
Fees - who may I contact regarding fees-related queries
You may email fnd-feeenq@uct.ac.za or call +27 (0) 21 650 2207 / +27 (0) 21 650 1704. For further information on fees, please view the fees handbook or the Fees structure
Financial Aid - who is the UCT contact for queries
Please email: FinancialAid@uct.ac.za or +27 (0) 21 650 5094
Proforma invoice requests - how can I obtain a proforma invoice?
You may download a Proforma invoice
One can also email: Nolufefe Centane
Teaching Practice - what does school experience comprise of?
Teaching Practice/School Experience - the School Experience is where our students attend a Teaching Practice (TP) period by spending time within the schooling system. The period will be communicated via the PGCE programme year planner. TP placements are arranged by the department. However, we do take suggestions of schools from students by means of an online survey (email requests are NOT accepted).
TP has to be done with a TP partner (fellow PGCE student) as allocations are made to two or more students per school for the purpose of safety as well as per area covered by a TP supervisor.
If you are doing an internship at a school during the year of your PGCE, you will automatically be placed at that school – please state this in your online TP survey.
Students who are based in Residences will have a preference for the Rondebosch schools.
Transcripts for past students - how may I obtain my old UCT transcript?
Visit the Student Records webpage to select the relevant option.
South African Council for Educators (SACE) Registration - which website do I use to register for provisional SACE registration as an existing PGCE student?
When do I register for SACE?
Four months before Teaching Practice or as advised by the PGCE Convenor.
How much are SACE registration fees?
Usually R200.00, however, the amount required will pop up during your application. You will also need about R200.00 for a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) which will be facilitated by an external entity arranged by the School of Education. Dates for PCC will be shared by the department during the course of the PGCE year.
Who should I email with my queries to SACE
General queries should be sent to info@sace.org.za or amanda.botha@sace.org.za (for missing or outstanding documentation)
Methods course - what are PGCE methods courses?
All teaching subjects are referred to as methods courses during the PGCE. i.e. if a student had done both English (at least 60 credits) and History (at least 60 credits) during their undergrad, the student will be eligible to do the English and History methods courses during the PGCE programme.
Student Records - how can the Student Records Office assist me?
View these FAQs
Updating one's personal details/information (change in surname etc) - how can one do this?
Please email the admissions office