Courses that will NOT involve face-to-face teaching in Semester 1

02 Feb 2021
02 Feb 2021

Dear Humanities students,

The faculty of humanities wishes all our students a happy new year and all the best for 2021. Given the progression of the covid-19 pandemic, the faculty will be offering physically distanced learning as per the university guidelines in Semester 1. Given the size and complexity of the humanities faculty, the majority of our courses will not require students to be on campus in the first semester with a few exceptions in the performing and creative arts, languages, and professional degrees. Please consult the list below very carefully. Any course that is NOT on this list will require you to be on campus for face-to-face teaching.


CODES: ALL courses with the following prefix codes will NOT involve face-to-face teaching












COURSES: ONLY these courses with the following prefix codes will NOT involve face-to-face teaching

FIN1006F Introduction to African Art

FIN2029F Envisioning the Body: Representation of the Human in Art and Visual Culture

FIN3026F New Art: New Perspectives

FIN3028F Art, Theory and Society

MAM1014F Quantitative Literacy for Humanities

MAM1022F Numbers in the Humanities

SLL1002F Word Power

SLL1054F The World of Odysseus

SLL1057F Ancient Egypt

SLL2058F Ancient Mythology

SLL2059F Rome: Literature & Empire

SLL3059F Rome: Literature & Empire

SWK1013F Community Connections

SWK1014F Community Connections+

SWK2001F Introduction to Political Economy and the Foundations of the Social Service Professions

SWK2002F Introduction to Political Economy and the Foundations of the Social Service Professions +

SWK2060F Social Work Assessment

SWK3001F Political Economy of the Social Service Professions

SWK4030F Contemporary Families in a Changing Society

TDP1027F Introduction to Theatre and Performance A

TDP1029F Introduction to Theatre and Performance A+ Discovering Theatre

TDP2010F Global performances: Mutations and Migrations

TDP2042F Global performances: Mutations and Migrations+

TDP3010F Contemporary Performance



No EDN prefix code courses are available to Undergraduate students

The following prefix code courses that appear in the Humanities Undergraduate Handbook are NOT Humanities Faculty courses. Students intending to register for courses with these or any other prefix codes must ascertain whether they will involve face to face teaching from the departments concerned:

ACC [Commerce Faculty]

AGE [Science Faculty]

BUS [Commerce Faculty]

CML [Law Faculty]

CSC [Commerce Faculty]

ECO [Commerce Faculty]

EGS [Science Faculty]

FTX [Commerce Faculty]

GEO [Science Faculty]

INF [Commerce Faculty]

MAM [Science Faculty]

PVL [Law Faculty]

STA [Science Faculty]


Humanities Faculty

University of Cape Town

1 February 2021