Peter Navario and Nicoli Nattrass co-author a special report on the state of HIV/AIDS in South Africa with other experts

04 Aug 2010
04 Aug 2010

It is axiomatic that the global fight against HIV/AIDS cannot be won without a decisive victory in South Africa, home to 20 percent of all people living with HIV/AIDS. So how is South Africa doing? And what is the likelihood it will meet the demand for essential prevention and treatment interventions by 2015? On January 21 in Cape Town, Council on Foreign Relations Global Health Fellow and ASRU alamnus Dr Peter Navario convened a meeting of South Africa's foremost HIV/AIDS thinkers, policy-makers and practitioners to discuss the state of prevention and treatment at the epicenter of the epidemic. In this article, the experts weigh in on program gaps, the major challenges to achieving universal coverage of essential prevention and treatment interventions, and what it will take to surmount these challenges.

You can read the article here.