Call for Abstracts: CSSR/IDCPPA Conference "SADC Mission in Mozambique: Interrogating Regional Interventionism"

The Institute for Democracy, Citizenship and Public Policy in Africa (IDCPPA), situated at the University of Cape Town (UCT), will convene a one-day Research Conference on “SADC Mission in Mozambique: Interrogating Regional Interventionism” on Wednesday 19th October 2022, at the IDCPPA and Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR) Seminar Room in the Leslie Social Science Building, at the University’s Upper Campus.
The IDCPPA would like to issue this Call for Abstracts, of 300 words in length, to include the name, affiliation, title, and key argument of your paper. We welcome papers on any aspect of Mozambique’s Islamist insurgency crisis, regional peacemaking efforts by the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union (AU) or other Regional Economic Communities (RECs) on the continent. The intention will be to compile the papers presented at the Conference into an edited volume, for ongoing and future engagement with a broad range of actors across academia, policy development and the wider society.
The Conference will create a research platform and convene academics, students, policy analysts, and civil society practitioners to assess SADC’s efforts to combat terrorism and acts of violent extremism in Mozambique. It will also include comparative insights from other regional interventions from across the African continent. The Conference will compile opinions and findings relating to the milestones and challenges noted since the beginning of the mission in 2021. The Conference will also interrogate and identify pathways towards improving regional early warning mechanisms and responses to insurgency.
To submit a proposal for the one-day conference, please follow the link to a Google form to complete the requested information, including contact details and an abstract, by Friday 26th August 2022 and draft Conference paper by 7th October 2022. Please email your abstract and paper to Dr. Primrose Bimha she can also be contacted if you have any questions or challenges accessing the form.