Accelerate Hub and Global Parenting Initiative Participate in PMNCH Global Forum for Adolescents

The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH) Global Forum for Adolescents took place on the 11th and 12th of October, 2023.
Representatives from the UK GCRI Accelerate Hub, a project with members at the Adolescent Accelerators Research Hub, and the Global Parenting Initiative, a project that's UCT-base is the Safety and Violence Initiative, participated in and moderated panels on the forum.
”The Global Forum was a chance for young people like us to come together and take stock of the progress we've made toward the SDGs, and to figure out how we can do even better in the future. We heard from leaders, shared our stories and ideas, and worked together to find solutions that will make a real difference in our lives... We heard from experts, activists, and leaders from around the world, who shared their knowledge and ideas on how we can all work together to make a positive change. The Global Forum was a great opportunity for us to connect with each other, build our skills, and get inspired to take action."
Members of the UK GCRI Accelerate Hub and Global Parenting Initiative, lead in the following three sessions, you may view the recordings of each session below:
“If only you would listen!” A conversation between adolescents and global experts on building resilience in an uncertain world
Amid pandemics, climate change, and conflict, adolescent well-being is crucial and resilience is key. Hear from Indian youth on the crises they experience and their priorities for change. Global experts and youth activists will then be questioned on evidence-based interventions for improving adolescent health and well-being including building agency, supporting sexual and reproductive health and rights and gender responsive social protection for securing brighter futures.
It starts with families: Improving adolescent well-being through strengthened support
Parents and caregivers are the foundation for young people's growth. Positive experiences of both parenting and community backing have a direct impact on adolescent resilience. But how can the challenges of low- and middle-income countries amid global upheavals be overcome? Hear about challenges and solutions as well as the policy responses that bolster family support and unlock the potential of early adolescence
Invest we must! The time is now: Making the case for investing in adolescent well-being
PMNCH and Victoria University are launching an adolescent well-being investment case exploring the multidimensional nature of adolescent wellbeing across its five domains, and the need for multi sectoral investments. This session presents key findings and advocacy asks of the investment case as well as a modelling toolkit to support Member States to develop their own investment case.