Publication Type: Journal article
Year: 2022
Author(s): Rinaan Nowers & Beatrice Conradie
Unit: SSU
Journal: Agriprobe
Abstract: "Despite the important information conveyed by land prices and the copious amounts of data we have on the topic, land markets are not receiving the attention they deserve. This analysis is for the Central Karoo and covers the period 2004 to 2021. The primary data source is Landbouweekblad whose regular land sales reports are compiled by farm type and district by Riaan Nowers of the Western Cape Department of Agri-culture (WCDoA). In competitive markets price is determined by demand and supply. Supply is fixed and in the Karoo demand is a function of growing conditions, which have been tough since 2013 (Conradie and Theron, 2019), a lively demand for lifestyle farms (Reed and Kleynhans, 2009), renewable energy projects and land reform. On balance these factors probably caused land prices to rise in real terms, although the long-term outlook with consideration of climate change might be working in the opposite direction."
Citation: Nowers, R., & Conradie, B. (2022). Climate and land sales in the Karoo, 2004-2021. Agriprobe, 19(1), 61-64.