Online Event: African Feminisms 2020

07 Sep 2020
07 Sep 2020

Pre-event activity: Shelley Barry Watch Party 7th – 11th September on 

Registration deadline: 9th Sept 23h (Pretoria time)
Registration Email: 
Max participants: first 90 people to register, otherwise live-streamed on 

About the speaker:

Mmatshilo Motsei is an author, speaker and spiritual health coach with a keen interest in integrating indigenous wisdom with modern innovations. With an MA in Creative Writing, she started her career

as a nurse, midwife, psychology graduate, social science researcher and rural development facilitator. She is currently registered for a PhD in Sociology at the University of Pretoria focusing on obstetric violence with a view of challenging feminist erasure of indigenous midwifery in their critique of medicalisation of childbirth. 

For over 10 years, she worked as a Founding Director Agisanang Domestic Abuse Prevention and Training (ADAPT), an organisation working on domestic and sexual violence based in Alexandra Township, Johannesburg. She was also involved as a co-founder of Tshwaranang Legal Advocacy for Women based in Johannesburg.
In addition to working with women, she has been instrumental in involving men as part of the solution to violence against women. 

She is the author of several books, Hearing Visions Seeing Voices as well as The Kanga and the Kangaroo Court: Reflections on the Rape Trial of Jacob Zuma, Reweaving the Soul of the Nation, a collection of essays on African spirituality, politics and feminism. She has also published a collection of poetry in Setswana and English, Sesesedi Whirlwind. 

She is the Founding Director of Afrika Ikalafe Centre for Spirituality and Health. Aptly called Afrika Ikalafe, which means Afrika Heal Thyself, the work of the Centre serves as an invitation for Africa to challenge the lie of its inferiority and powerlessness.