The Writers' Seminar with Elleke Boehmer
We are delighted to announce the second in-person installment of our research seminar, The Writers' Series. The Department will be hosting Professor Elleke Boehmer (Oxon) on Friday, 18 March from 13h30 to 15h00. She will be giving a talk titled, "At the Interface: Working Between Creative & Critical Writing, 2000 - 2020". All are welcome to join us in AC Jordan Building, Room 116.
Elleke Boehmer is Professor of World Literature in English at the University of Oxford. She is the Director of the Oxford Centre for Life-Writing (OCLW) and Professorial Governing Body Fellow at Wolfson College. She is a founding figure in the field of colonial and postcolonial literary studies, and internationally known for her research in the anglophone literatures of empire and anti-empire. Her writing straddles a range of forms and genres, including cultural history, fiction, criticism, and life-writing. She is the author, editor or co-editor of over twenty books. Her monographs include Colonial and Postcolonial Literature (1995/2005), Stories of Women (2005), Indian Arrivals (winner ESSE 2015-16 Prize), and Postcolonial Poetics (2018). Her most recent novel The Shouting in the Dark (2015/19) was longlisted for the Sunday Times Prize in 2015 and is the co-winner of the Olive Schreiner Prize for Prose in 2018.
For those of you who would like to do some extra reading in preparation for the seminar, you can access an interview between Elleke Boehmer, Diya Gupta and Bárbara Gallego Larrarte here. Alternatively, follow this link to listen to a podcast in which Professor Boehmer discusses the concept of “Southing” with Nancy Richard.
Please direct enquiries about the event to Dr Oliver Melvill at