Keneilwe Marata

(under examination)

What makes you interesting? 

I am open-minded, humble and friendly 


  • Bio

    Graduated from the University of Botswana with a Bachelor’s Degree (BA) in Public Administration and Political Science, followed by a Master’s Degree (Mphil) from the University of Cape Town in Public Policy and Administration. Worked As a teaching assistant/tutor at both the Universities of Botswana and University of Cape Town. Currently holds the position of Research Fellow with the Botswana Institute for Development of Policy Analysis (BIDPA) and also pursuing a Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Political Studies with the university of Cape Town.

  • Title and Summary of PhD Project

    Factors affecting parliamentary performance of budget oversight in Botswana

    The study acknowledges the existence of factors within and outside parliament, that have been associated with better and improved performance of parliaments. Most of the factors are rooted within the institutionalization and modernization arguments. Institutionalization scholars argue for instance that once institutions such as parliaments become highly institutionalised, they stand a better chance of effectively performing their functions. Modernization proponents on the other hand suggest that increased modernization leads to improved in capacity and resources within institutions which lead to better performance. Thus, in its first segment, the study maps out the over-time growth and increase of the institutionalization and modernization variables in the parliament of Botswana. In its second segment, the study analyses the extent to which the parliament of Botswana has effectively performed its budgetary oversight role as a result of an overtime growth and improvement in the outlined performance enhancing factors. Parliament’s performance of budgetary oversight is assessed in terms of activities conducted both in the chamber and in budget committees.

  • Publications

    1. Marata, K. (2013) Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) Policy Brief No. 12 on Effective Budget Oversight in Botswana: Role of the Legislature and the Office of the Auditor General.
    2. Marata, K. (2013) Chapter 8 titled, “Constitutional, Political and Electoral Reforms” in a book titled Elections and the Management of Diversity in Botswana, Africa Governance Report III.
    3. Kaboyakgosi, G. and Keneilwe Marata (2012). An Introductory Chapter in a book titled; A Fine Balance: Assessing the Quality Governance in Botswana, edited by Karin A. And Kaboyakgosi G., Democracy Index for Botswana 2012.
  • What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

    Never live your life for an ‘audience’