Dr Learmonth's article included in Taylor and Francis Group's Good Health and Well-being research campaign
The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are a new set of goals that are intended to direct the course on how UN member states shape their policies over the next 15 years.
This agenda emphasises the eradication of poverty and hunger, equality, good stewardship, and increasing health and well-being, among other things.
The Taylor and Francis Group have compiled a dedicated research collection that seeks to promote and support the Sustainable Development Goals. Research by Dr Despina Learmonth of the Department of Psychology here at UCT has been included under the collection for Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being, which focuses particularly on strengthening the prevention and treatment of substance abuse. The paper was co-authored by UCT student Cheneal Puljević and is entitled, "Substance abuse prevention in Cape Town’s peri-urban settlements: Local health trainers’ perspectives." Find it here.