Meet our new graduates

Nadine Michelle Lindinger (Ph.D.)
Thesis title: Social cognition in South African children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
Supervisor: Dr Susan Malcolm-Smith

Marina Anne Stephens (MA Neuropsychology)
Thesis title: Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Developmental Clinic in the Western Cape using the modified checklist for autism in Toddlers (M-Chat)
Supervisor: Dr Susan Malcolm-Smith

Matthew Stone (MSocSci)
Thesis title: Perceptions of physical activity in Preschool-aged children in Urban and rural samples in South Africa
Supervisor: Professor Johann Louw

Sarah Anne Westwood (MA Psychological Research)
Thesis title: The protective role of grandparents in the lives of adolescents in the contexts of adversity
Supervisor: Dr Lauren Wild

Alexia Daniels (MA Clinical Psychology)
Thesis title: Factors associated with cyberbullying and the consequences in South Africa
Supervisor: Associate Professor Catherine Ward

Daisy Gamxamus (MA Clinical Psychology)
Thesis title: Exploring the neurocognitive functioning of children in spastic diplegia secondary to HIV Encephalopathy in comparison to children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy
Supervisor: Dr Leigh Elson-Schrieff

Joanne Laskey (MA Clinical Psychology)
Thesis title: A longitudinal study of the insight of participants in transdisciplinary teamwork at community level through creative and innovative communication
Supervisor: Dr Despina Learmonth

Loyiso Maqubela (MA Clinical Psychology)
Thesis title: The relationship between friendship quality, masculinity ideology and happiness in men’s friendship
Supervisor: Dr Wahbie Long

Maseutloali Grace Seutloali (MA Clinical Psychology)
Thesis title: Investigative interview of distressed crime witness: a descriptive study
Supervisor: Professor Colin Tredoux

Abigail Wilson (MA Clinical Psychology)
Thesis title: Implementation of an attention training program with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in South Africa
Supervisor: Dr Leigh Elson-Schrieff

Maia Zway (MA Clinical Psychology)
Thesis title: Lesbian adolescents’ narratives of identity: a participatory photovoice project
Supervisor: Professor Floretta Boonzaier