Under the Dome festival award sponsored by the Sutherland Planetarium!

The CCA is pleased to announce that the Sutherland Planetarium is sponsoring an award for best film of the Under the Dome festival! The winners will be announced on the opening night — this Friday the 15th of November!
Sutherland Planetarium is located in the centre of Sutherland en route to the Southern African Large Telescope. It is the latest, and only privately-owned, Digital Planetarium in South Africa. The planetarium is equipped with a Fulldome Pro DX4 system using a single revolutionary Fulldome Pro media server to power four Full HD projectors and a Dolby Atmos 7.1 sound system. The 30-seater Planetarium is open six days a week showcasing a wide range (54) 3-D fulldome films to ensure educational entertainment for the whole family. There is a large demand for locally produced fulldome material, and the Sutherland Planetarium hopes to encourage the production of South African content through this award.
The winners of the award will receive two days use of the Sutherland Planetarium/Digital Dome, they can choose to use this time in the dome to work on new material or to showcase their existing work. As well as use of the dome they will also receive three nights accommodation for two at Blesfontein Guest Farm, Sutherland.

Above: The Sutherland Planetarium. Their website is with more information is available here.