Introduction | Past Symposia | Programmes | Next Symposium.
Welcome to the Annual Bioethics Day page of the Bioethics Centre website.
This section contains details of our Annual Faculty Bioethics Day, named lectures and other upcoming events.
The first Faculty Bioethics Day was held in 1985. The proceedings of some of the earlier symposia were published:
Solomon Benatar (Ed.), Ethical and Moral Issues in Contemporary Medical Practice: Proceedings of a University of Cape Town Faculty of Medicine Symposium, 1985, Cape Town: Department of Medicine, UCT, 1986.
Solomon Benatar (Ed.), Medical Ethics: Some Philosophical Considerations: Proceedings of a University of Cape Town Faculty of Medicine Symposium, 1986, Cape Town: Department of Medicine, UCT, 1987.
Solomon Benatar (Ed.), Medical Ethics: Proceedings of a University of Cape Town Faculty of Medicine Symposium, February 1988, Cape Town: Department of Medicine, UCT, 1988.
Solomon Benatar (Ed.), Bioethics Debates in a Changing South Africa: Proceedings of a University of Cape Town Faculty of Medicine Symposium, July 1991, Cape Town: Department of Medicine, UCT, 1992.
Solomon Benatar (Ed.), Human Needs, Human Rights: Gender and Medical Ethics: Proceedings of a University of Cape Town Faculty of Medicine Symposium, February 1996, Cape Town: Department of Medicine, UCT, 1997.
Programmes for Recent Annual Symposiaâ
To be announced.