Introduction | Past Lectures | Forthcoming Lecture


This eponymous lecture was established by the Bioethics Centre in gratitude for a generous donation from Dr Hannah-Reeve Sanders, a former Chief Medical Superintendent of Groote Schuur Hospital. 

Past Lectures
Previous Hannah-Reeve Sanders lectures:

  • 24 February 2010:
    Martin McNeally, University of Toronto 
    "Challenges to the Ethics of Surgery."
  • 7 February 2013:
    Arthur Kleinman, Harvard University 
    “Caregiving: Revitalizing its Place in Medicine.”
  • 7 August 2014:
    Professor Jonathan Wolff, University College London
    The Rule of Rescue versus Cost-Effective Analysis in Medical Resource Allocation."
  • 11 May 2016:
    Professor David DeGrazia (Department of Bioethics, NIH; Department of Philosophy, George Washington University)
    "How Should We Think About Permissible Risk in Paediatric Research?"
  • 7 August 2018:
    Professor Jennifer Hawkins (Philosophy Department, Duke University)
    “Affect and Problems Assessing Decisional Capacity”
  • 4 August 2022:
    Professor Sarah Conly (Bowdoin College, USA)
    “When Should We Let Life End?”

Forthcoming Lecture