The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning appointed the SDU at UCT as the service provider to implement a Teacher Support Environmental Education Programme (TSEEP) in the Western Cape. In response to the Global Action Programme and the SDG goals, TSEEP aims to capacitate Intermediate Phase (IP) Natural Sciences and Technology (NST) teachers to integrate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into their classrooms. TSEEP is delivered via a Moodle Platform. This Moodle Platform includes an ESD e-learning toolkit with activities designed to build teachers competence in teaching science with a focus on ESD.
These e-Learning resources also provided a range of pedagogic strategies relevant to the IP science classroom and aim to enhance teachers’ digital literacy. The eLearning resource also includes CAPS aligned modules focusing on the four content strands in the IP NST. These modules are presented as UCT-approved and SACE-endorsed blended learning courses.