Electronic Records Management is a Challenge, But There is a Solution
Lovely General describes ways in which archivists can rise to the challenge of dealing with new technologies.
Newcastle Celebrates the Festival of uNomkhubulwane!
Thokozani Mhlambi writes about a group of women in Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal who come together to prepare the feast of Unomkhubulwane, the deity of fertility and agriculture in the world of traditional Zulu cosmology.
Depicting Fairyland - The Art of District Six
Emile Maurice writes about the many artists who have contributed to and explored the identity and meaning of District Six.
Field brat’s blog from the bundu: Archives of Post-Independence Africa and its Diaspora Conference
Ferreting around the Western-most frontier of Francophone Africa, the brat concludes that archival theory can be found in the most ordinary of situations.
Field brat's blog from the bundu: National Arts Festival - visual artists turn to the archive
With too much to digest at the country's premier festival the brat draws in a deep breath and, excluding all else, takes a look at the enticing strategies devised by visual artists who turn towards the archival record.
Digging Deeper
Lucelle Campbell confronts her own notions of identity and engages with the Western Cape's growing Aboriginal movement.
“Raise those voices and discover your society!”
Mak (from Makhado) comments on an an article published in the Sunday Times, Fezeka Gxwayibeni, a member of a group of young people committed to transformation, who writes about why its important for people to have access to information about what's going on around them.
Who will preserve the past for future generations?
In an article published in the Globe and Mail, J.L. Granatstein draws attention to the effect that budget cuts have on Libraries and Archives Canada, not only now, but for the future.
African culture and language diversity remain closely linked to biodiversity
Nokhanyo Mhlana, writes about language, the role it plays in building respect for different cultures, and the importance of diversifying the archive through the incorporation of indigenous languages.
Introducing the Archival Platform Team
You've read their opinions, now meet the team!
Signalling history from Heliograph Hill
Catherine Kennedy, director of the South African History Archive, talks to the writer and director, Neil Coppen, about tackling over a century of history in his new play, Abnormal Loads.
The day in memory and honour of King Moshoeshoe I - March 11th
Sebinane Lekoekoe comments of the national celebrations and shares some insight into the history and significance of this Basotho leader.
Alternative leaderhip
Lucy Campbell reflects on leadership, and shares her experience of the Human Sciences Research Council's "Red Tent" project
The power of information
Tammy O'Conner of the South African History Archive explains why access to information is an essential element for a vibrant democracy and vital to the realisation of other basic human rights.
Documents and records: questions of values vs application of laws
Antonia Malan raises a concern about the conservation and management of historical records in the Deeds Office and the Surveyor-General’s Office in the Western Cape and poses some questions about legislation relating to paper-based heritage.
Why I love the (South African) Constitution
Mak (from Makhado) responds to the campaign, 'We, The People', to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the signing of the South African Constitution
ANC Centenary: A compromised opportunity to share ANC heritage
Vuyani Booi reflects on the heritage of the ANC and its historic mission
'The TRUTH is on the WALLS'
Emile Maurice reviews ‘The TRUTH is on the WALLS’ which tells the story of Naz Gool - Ebrahim a courageous, compassionate and tireless human rights activist.
'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the most Indigene of us all?'Â
Lucy Campbell shares her concerns over the marginalisation of southern Africa’s indigenous people.
A meditation on corruption
In an opinion piece published in ‘City Press’ Professor Njabulo Ndebele reflects on power, corruption and the Protection of State Information Bill.
‘Siliva Zulu’ at the Iziko Slave Lodge - a review, a response and a reflection
Nessa Leibhammer reviews this exhibition which includes photographs taken by controversial anthropologist Lido Cipriani (1892-1962), and Siliva Zulu, a film directed by Italian filmmaker Attilio Gatt: the Iziko curatorial team respond and; George Mahashe shares some reflections on the discouse - and the power of the photographs.
‘The Visual Century’ - a review
Marilyn Martin’s review responds to the questions Verne Harris raised about how to measure the contribution of a publication like this to the realisation of a ‘decolonised post-apartheid’ archive.
The Zwelihle AECI Labour Site: The significance of private labour compounds in the Western Cape
Melanie Attwell attends the opening of Hostel 33 and discusses issues regarding the recognition and commemoration of spaces associated with the migrant labour system in the Western Cape.
Given a Chance, the Might of the Disability Sector would Reign Supreme
Edwin Sipho Rihlamvu call for the recognition of the individuality, agency and abilities of people with disabilities
Da Affinity of Da Kink!
Belinda Otas describes the politics of cutting her hair, commenting on shaved heads and natural African hair in the UK
Reflections of heritage and Heritage Day
Nokhanyo Mhlana reflects on the significance of celebrating Heritage Day on 24 September.
Separate is not Equal
Vuyani Gweki Booi discusses a current exhibition about the struggle against segregated schooling in America.
The “Dop” system - cocktail of despair
Lucy Campbell writes about the “evil” of the payment system that continues to takes its toll on the Cape’s coloured people today.
Power to the Kink!
Belinda Otas discusses Hair Power Skin Revolution, a collection of personal essays and stories, and poems by black and mixed-race women, in which Nicole Moore chronicles why black women need to develop an eternal love affair with their natural hair and skin.
Hair and hair-etage
Harriet Deacon introduces a series of blogs about hair, racism and the politics of beauty.
This land is my land. This land is your land.
Lucy Cambell considers the unsettling social geography and the history of settlement and dispossession in Cape Town.
Women with disabilities pay the piper! But who calls the tunes?
Edwin Sipho Rihlamvu considers the complex relationship between disability, gender and race in the context of a society striving for social justice.
Muriel Horrell: Apartheid's Chronicler and Archivist
Sue Krige shares the challenges and the excitement of working with the meticulous diaries kept by Muriel Horrell in the 1940s.
Memory, forgetting and the creative spark
Jacques Stoltz reports on a public panel discussion, ''On Creativity and Memory' at the Apartheid Archive Project "Nationhoods, Nostalgia, Narratives", conference.
National Archives are a national disgrace
In an article first published in Business Day, Chris Saunders, describes his fruitless search for documents in the National Archives!
The Unomkhubulwane festival
Thokozani Mhlambi prepares to celebrate the end of winter.
“Let the Spirit of Luthuli Speak to All”: Digitisation and the ‘virtual’ Luthuli Museum
Laura Gibson describes the challenge of making material accessible without compromising the integrity of the museum's collections.
Let’s face it!
Lucy Campbell calls on Capetonians to celebrate their shared heritage.
Ngquza Hill Massacre commemoration
Vuyani Booi describes a tragic event that is commemorated to remember an almost forgotten heritage
Museums: dumping grounds for troublesome histories?
Mak (from Makhado) wonders why do many people seem to be suggesting that difficult fragments from the past - like songs and statues - be consigned to museums.
In support of the Uganda National Museum
Frederick Nsibambi tells us why demolishing the Uganda National Museum will set a bad precedent for heritage conservation, promotion and development efforts in Uganda
Who speaks for the dead?: The grave, the cemetery, the shrine, the stage?
Jesmael Mataga reflects on the subject of death and the dead and the way in which these become social, cultural capital harnessed by and for the profit of the living. In his post, Mataga makes reference to Zimbabwe’s Heroes’ Acre and the recent exhumation of dead bodies from a mine in Northern Zimbabwe.
Project management for digital heritage projects
Roger Layton reminds us that poorly run digitisation projects may cost worthy initiatives their good reputation. As he says, it's not too difficult to keep projects on track, if you attend to all the complexities from the start
Lesotho’s monetary history
Sebinane Lekoekoe considers ways in which bank notes are used to project national identity and convey the country's history.
On the liberation movements archive at Fort hare
Vuyani Booi outlines the history and significance of the liberation archives and explains the role they may play in deepening democracy in South Africa.
The Windhoek+20 campaign
If you’re interested in the issue of access to information in Africa, don;t miss this website!
Digitisation and democracy
Grant McNulty explores the democratising potential of new digital technologies and considers what it means for heritage practitioners.