The SLL Transformation Committee (SLL TC) has been constituted to:
support and create opportunities for transformative practices in SLL;
- support the creation of spaces for discussion of challenges and opportunities with regard to transformation (of teaching, research, administration);
- contribute to promoting principles that inform transformation (diversity, inclusivity, critical thinking, transparency, fairness, equity, justice);
- support initiatives that are transformative, that promote sustainability, excellence, innovation - (re)thinking, (re)invention, (re)creation;
- liaise with the Humanities Transformation Committee (HUM TC) for collaboration in addressing transformation-related issues.
The SLL TC comprises the following members:
1. Dr Karel Plaiche
SLL Representative in HUM TC (2024-2027), chair of SLL TC
2. Dr Mara Boccaccio
3. Dr Bibi Burger
4. Dr Wanga Gambushe
5. A/Prof Gesa Singer
6. A/Prof Markus Arnold (HOD SLL)
Resources & Information on Transformation at UCT / Humanities Faculty / SLL
Transformation at UCT: UCT-transformation-overview
- Transformation at UCT - plans and policies: transformation-plans-and-policies
- UCT vision 2030: UCT vision 2030
- Faculty of Humanities: Faculty Humanities Transformation Plan 2021-2026
News and events :
Tuesday 26 November 1st SLL Symposium on Transformation
“Languages and Literatures in Times of Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges” in Beattie 115 from 8:30.
Call for proposals: SLL Symposium on Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges
Poster: SLL Symposium poster
