Prescribed curriculum:

The curriculum will comprise two compulsory courses, two elective courses, and a minor dissertation (details below). Candidates will ordinarily complete the prescribed courses in the first year, and will be expected to complete the dissertation or equivalent within the following year. Students who have completed a course equivalent to HST5061H: Advanced Historical Methods and Approaches at the Honour’s or Master’s level may apply for exemption, but not credit, from this course. If such exemption is granted, the student must complete an additional elective course.

Core (Compulsory) Courses:

HST5061H Advanced Historical Methods and Approaches

HST5060F History in Public Life

HST5011W Minor Dissertation (to be registered for once coursework is complete - usually in second year of programme)

Elective courses:

(Two courses to be chosen from the following)

HST5040F A History of Violence: Perspectives from the Global South (Not offered in 2025)

HST5041F    Histories of Land and Labour Struggles in South Africa

HST5042F   Theory and Method in Histories of Medicine, Health and Healing

HST5034F    Oral History: Method, Practice, and Theory

HST5043S    Writing and History 

HST5044S    Migrants, Diasporas, and Minorities in the Modern World (Not offered in 2025)

HST5014S    Traumatic Traces: History, Memory and Beyond (Not offered in 2025)

HST5046F    Materiality and Power

HST5055S    Racism, Colonialism and Genocide 

HST5056S    Themes in Everyday History (Not offered in 2025)

HST5062S    Gendering the Black Transnational: Mobility in Literary History 

HST5063S    Debates in the History of the Indian Ocean 

An elective offered by a cognate department may replace one or more of the listed electives, subject to approval by the Head of Department.