Emeritus Professor Milton Shain (Isidore and Theresa Cohen Chair in Jewish Civilisation) received his PhD from the University of Cape Town. He specialises in the history of South African Jewry and the history of anti-Semitism and was Director of the Isaac and Jessie Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies and Research until his retirement at the end of 2014. He is particularly interested in cultural representations of the Jew over time and the ways in which these are transformed to align with dominant discourses.
His most recent book Zakor v’Makor: Place and Displacement in Jewish History and Memory, co-edited with David Cesarani and Tony Kushner, was runner-up in the ‘Anthology and Collections’ category of the National Jewish Book Award in the United States for 2009. The Roots of Antisemitism in South Africa, published by the University Press of Virginia and Witwatersrand University Press in 1994, won the UCT book prize in 1996.
Milton was rated B2 by the NRF in 2010.
Contact Details:
E-mail: milton.shain@uct.ac.za