The Philosophy Department awards class medals to the top students in the undergraduate courses. Outstanding Philosophy students have won awards such as the Keswick Prize and Mayshel Ticktin Scholarship Award.
From 2013, the Asha Barron Memorial Prize has been awarded in memory of a graduate of the UCT Philosophy Department. Asha was an excellent student of Philosophy and an outstanding person. This prize is given to the top postgraduate student in Philosophy, who is continuing with their study in Philosophy.
Award winners 2021
Award winners 2020
Award winners 2019
Award winners 2018
Award winners 2017
Award winners 2016
Award winners 2015
Award winners 2014
Award winners 2013
Award winners 2012
Award winners 2011
Award winners 2010
Award winners 2009
Award winners 2008
Award winners 2007
Award winners 2006
Award winners 2005
There was no awards ceremony held in 2021 due to Covid 19.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was awarded to Bianca Van Zyl at our awards ceremony in October 2022.
Caleigh Plaatjes
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Parusha Raidoo
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Jack Phillips
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Jack Phillips
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Shannon Hubbard
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Belinda Mynhardt
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Melissa Davis
(PHI2044F Philosophy of Mathematics)
Guillaume Lam Loong In
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Zac Bagraim
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Lefteri Vlahos
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Michelle Steyn
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Nathan Schaefer
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Alexandra Phillips
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
There was no awards ceremony held in 2021 due to Covid 19. Awards were granted to third year courses only.
Nicholas Leisegang
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Nicholas Leisegang
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
There was no awards ceremony held in 2020 due to Covid 19.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was awarded to Adam Schroeder.
Lula Grant
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Grant Kantor
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Chloe Boetcher
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Laurence Midgley
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Oscar Van Der Spuy
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Caroline Koen
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Daniel Trengove
(PHI2044F Philosophy of Mathematics)
Julia Jellema-Butler
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Jarred Fisher
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Tao Boerstra
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Daniel Johnson
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Emily Pender
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Casey Rautenbach
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Julia Jellema-Butler
(PHI2045S Philosophy of Race
Julia Jellema-Butler
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Thursday 26 September 2019.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was not awarded in 2018.
Sasha Broom
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Robynne Britz
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Nomazwi Nkoane
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Steven Lochner
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Julia Jellema-Butler
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Nicholas Forshaw
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Adam Schroeder
(PHI2044F Philosophy of Mathematics)
Adam Schroeder
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Daniel Johnson
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Hannah Fagan
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Leonidas Karamanof
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Steven Lochner
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Muzaffar Malani
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Amelia Warren
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Monday 6 August 2018.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was not awarded in 2017.
Samuel Musker
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Casey Burridge
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Samuel Musker
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Luke Wilson
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Kyle De Klerk
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Nomcebo Mateta
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Jane Rosenberg
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Jean-Luc Ciapparelli
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Amelia Warren
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Teegan Griffiths
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Praveer Shyam
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Kaylah Eisenstein
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Emma Buckland
(PHI2045S Philosophy of Race)
Jessica Still
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Thursday 28 September 2017.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was awarded to Travis Rebello.
Emilio Ziniades
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Leonidas Karamanof
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Samuel Pothier
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Adam Buckland
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Jane Rosenberg
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Yolaine Moussi
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Nicole Dunn
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Wessel Joubert
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Kerri Mcmahon
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Emma Green
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Emiel Zyde
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Sasha Daitz
(PHI2045S Philosophy of Race)
Lauren Gildenhuys
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
Award winners 2015
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Monday 25 July 2016.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was awarded to Markus Trengove.
Usisipho Gogela
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Shaun Kriek
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Kerry-Ann Durston
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Nicole Dunn
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Nicole Dunn
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Blake Player
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Travis Rebello
(PHI2044F Philosophy of Mathematics)
Paul Freund
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Luke Wilson
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Bianca Oosthuizen
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Mats Elliot
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Nicole Dunn
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Lauren Ledger
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Travis Rebello
(PHI2045S Philosophy of Race)
Paul Freund
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
Award winners 2014
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Tuesday 4 August 2015.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was awarded to David Harris.
Nicole Dunn
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Beatrix Williams
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Aaron Jacobs
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Daniel Linegar
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Eshed Cohen
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Ruby Sam-Kputu
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Mats Elliott
(PHI2044F Philosophy of Mathematics)
Rafael Barnett
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Nicole Dunn
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Travis Rebello
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Aaron Jacobs
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Tarryn Harding
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Ashraf Moolla
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Edward Mugerwa-Sekawabe
(PHI2045S Philosophy of Race)
Rocco Zizzamia
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)

Award winners 2013
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Wednesday 6 August 2014.
The Asha Barron Memorial Prize was awarded to Josh Davis.
Eshed Cohen
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Ansune Van Der Merwe
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Markus Trengove
(PHI2012F Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Oliver Goosen
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Rocco Zizzamia
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Sakhe Mkosi
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Ilan Price
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Julie-Hannah Massyn
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Mary Kennedy
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Ruach Slayen
PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Ansellia Adams
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Ashleigh Sinclair
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Ansellia Adams
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)

Award winners 2012
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Tuesday 20 August 2013.
Robert Jenkin
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Ryan Saunders
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Aamina Teladia
(PHI1026F Critical Foundations)
Ida Tomasson
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Ilan Price
(PHI2042F Political Philosophy)
Cristina Dos Santos
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Adam Maserow
(PHI2044F Philosophy of Mathematics)
David Jeffery
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Rocco Zizzamia
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Anique Kruger
(PHI2016S Philosophy of Art & Literature)
Ilan Price
(PHI2041S Great Philosophers)
Barry Povey
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
David Jeffery
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)

Award winners 2011
The awards ceremony was held in the Philosophy Common Room, Humanities Building, on Monday 6 August 2012.
Amy Gorven
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Lorne Hallendorff
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Rebecca Thomas
(PHI2016F Philosophy of Art and Literature)
David Jeffery
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Charlotte Scott
(PHI2041F Great Philosophers)
Rayhaan Khatieb
(PHI2043F Business Ethics)
Niall Reddy
(PHI3023F Logic and Language)
Ilan Price
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Maia Zway
(PHI2012S Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Amandla Mabona
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Joshua Davis
(PHI2042S Political Philosophy)
Asanda Malimba
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Kezia Lilenstein
(PHI3024S Metaphysics and Epistemology)
Award winners 2010
The awards ceremony was held in the Richard Luyt Room, Otto Beit Building, on Wednesday 31 August 2011.
Class medals were awarded to the following top students:
Katharina Keck
(PHI1010S Ethics)
Rebecca Thomas
(PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Hayley Schneider
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Julia Kaplan
(PHI2012S Philosophy of Psychology and Mind)
Grace Garland
(PHI2016F Philosophy of Art and Literature)
Michael Marchant
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Ivan Kiley
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Daniel Kaliski
(PHI2041F Great Philosophers)
Soseipriala Amabeoku
(PHI2042S Political Philosophy)
Caitlin Miles
(PHI2043S Business Ethics)
Justin Dixon
(PHI3009F Contemporary Political Philosophy)
Kathleen Louw
(PHI3010S Language, Thought and Reality)
Award winners 2009
The awards ceremony was held in the Richard Luyt Room, Otto Beit Building, on Tuesday 3 August 2010.
Class medals were awarded to the following top students:
Daniel Kaliski
(PHI1010S Ethics, PHI1024F Introduction to Philosophy)
Annabelle Rogers
(PHI1025F Critical Thinking)
Morite Makola
(PHI1026F Critical Foundations)
Kyle Blumberg
(PHI2012S Philosophy of Psychology & Mind, PHI2017F Logic and Epistemology, PHI3010S Language, Thought and Reality)
Chiara Gaylard
(PHI2016F Philosophy of Art and Literature)
Rosalind Clayton
(PHI2037F Applied Ethics)
Kathleen Louw
(PHI2039S Classical Political Philosophy)
Laura Hayward
(PHI2040S Philosophy of Science)
Meghan Finn
(PHI3009F Contemporary Political Philosophy)

The Mayshel Ticktin Scholarship 2009 was awarded to Kyle Blumberg.
Award winners 2008
The awards ceremony was held at the Barnard Fuller Building, Health Sciences Campus, UCT on Thursday 7 May, 2009.
Class medals were awarded to the following top students:
Kathleen Louw
Daniel Sher
Anthony Hodgson
Alex Myers
Mia Nidesjo
Jennifer Sinclaire
Meghan Finn
Catherine Brodie
The Keswick Prize for Lucidity was awarded to Paul Smit (Philosophy, UCT)
(Monday Paper’s report on Paul Smit’s award)
Award winners 2007
The awards ceremony was held at the Michaelis Gallery, Hiddingh Campus, UCT on Monday 18 August, 2008.
Class medals were awarded to the following top students:
Amy Armstrong
Nicole Jonklass
Edith Viljoen
Peter Rogers
Jessica Blignaut
Meghan Finn
Garikai Nyaruwata
Aurora Drummer
Jennifer Sinclaire
Frances Maughan-Brown
The Mayshel Ticktin Scholarship 2007 was awarded to Jessie Lerm.
Award winners 2006
Class medals were awarded to the following top students:
Mia Nidesjo
Daniel Hayden
Jessica Lerm
Ian Grose
Olga Kerimova
Anna Hartford
Jessica Lerm
Garikai Nyaruwata
Jonathan Hodgson
The Mayshel Ticktin Scholarship 2006 was awarded to Jessica du Toit.
Award winners 2005
Class medals were awarded to the following top students:
Garikai Nyaruwata
Leo Boonzaier
Jonathan Hodgson
Amy Jansen
Gregory Robson
Andrew Fisher
The Keswick Prize was awarded to Grant Harrison (Philosophy, UCT)
(Monday Paper’s report on Grant Harrison's award)