March |
The Truth about False Consciousness |
Dr Jason Myers (Political Studies, UCT) |
April |
Non-Religious Approaches to the Meaning of Life |
Dr Thaddeus Metz (Philosophy, University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA) |
May |
Is Repression Working for You? |
Dr Elisa Galgut (Philosophy, UCT) |
June |
Romantic Love |
Profs Robert Solomon and Kathleen Higgins(Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin, USA) |
August |
The Value of Freedom of Action and Will |
Prof Mark Leon(Philosophy, University of the Witwatersrand) |
September |
Achieving Ataraxy without God or Drugs: the Doctrine of Epicurus |
Dr Chuck Chandler (Classics, UCT) |
October |
Problems of Uncertain Knowledge: The AIDS Epidemic |
Dr Kenneth Hughes (Mathematics, UCT) |
November |
The idea of motion in Hegel's story of the self |
Prof John Noyes (German, UCT) |
March |
When is Toleration Intolerable? |
Prof Stephen Nathanson (Philosophy, Northeastern University, USA) |
April |
In Defence of Gullibility |
Mr Jeremy Wanderer (Philosophy, UCT and London School of Economics,) |
May |
Why Animals Have No Rights |
Prof Tibor Machan (Chapman University & Stanford University, USA) |
June |
Thought, world, deed, word |
Prof David Cockburn (Philosophy, University of Wales, Lampeter) |
August |
The Meanings of Life |
Prof David Schmidtz (Philosophy, University of Arizona, USA) |
October |
The Philosophical Life |
Mr Mark Ralkowski (Philosophy, UCT) |
November |
Is this the best of all possible worlds? |
Mr Alan Malachowski (Philosophy, University of East Anglia, UK) |
March |
The Ethics of Remembering |
Mr Mark Ralkowski(Philosophy, UCT) |
April |
Friendship |
Prof Laurence Thomas (Philosophy, Syracuse University, USA) |
May |
The Good and the Beautiful |
Dr Elisa Galgut (Philosophy, UCT) |
July |
The Relation Between Ethics and Science in the Human Genome Project |
Prof Eric Meslin (Centre for Bioethics, Indiana University, USA) |
August |
Mind Reading |
Dr Jeremy Wanderer (Philosophy, UCT) |
September |
What is Art? |
Dr Paul Taylor (formerly Philosophy, UCT) |
October |
Slavery and symbol-blindness |
Dr Anthony Holiday (School of Government, University of the Western Cape) |
November |
What is a number? |
Mr Greg Fried (History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge University, UK) |
February |
Spirituality, Science and Morality |
Prof John Cottingham (Philosophy, Reading University, UK) |
March |
A Night of Philosophical Humour |
Mr Laurence Wilse-Samson & Mr Sean Wilson (UCT) |
April |
Practical Consequences of Disagreements About The Sources of Morality: Two Topical Issues from International Politics |
Prof Don Ross (Economics, UCT) |
May |
Mickey Mouse, Ivory Towers and What should be taught at Universities. |
Prof Peter Collins (Salford University, UK) |
June |
Why homosexuality is not immoral |
Mr Jeremy Allcock (formerly, Philosophy, Rhodes University) |
August |
Hume’s Theory of Mind |
Dr Elisa Galgut (Philosophy, UCT) |
September |
What is Reason? |
Prof Emmanuel Eze (Philosophy, De Paul University, USA) |
October |
Spinoza, Spinozism and Radical Unbelief |
Dr Kenneth Hughes (Mathematics, UCT) |
February |
Is respect for autonomy an ideological illusion in contemporary bioethics? |
Prof Len Doyal (Queen Mary’s School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of London, UK) |
March |
Trust |
Dr Jeremy Wanderer (Philosophy, UCT) |
April |
Love, truth and the demon: ideas in Iris Murdoch's novels |
Dr Greg Fried (Philosophy, UCT) |
May |
What is wrong with atheism? |
Prof Peter Collins (Salford University, UK) |
July |
Philosophical Word Power |
Ms Gail Solomons (Classics, UCT) |
August |
"Death is nothing to us" (Epicurus). So why is killing people wrong? |
Dr Chuck Chandler (Classics, UCT) |
September |
Knowledge and Uncertainty in Morals |
Prof Oswald Hanfling (The Open University, UK) |
October |
Does Science really tell us about the real world? |
Dr Robert Segall (Philosophy, UCT) |
February |
An answer to the cynicism of Plato’s Glaucon and of Machiavelli. |
Prof Peter Collins (Salford University, UK) |
March |
What is Philosophical Counselling? |
Ms Helen Douglas (Philosophy in Practice, Kalk Bay) |
April |
Logic and Language |
Dr Bernhard Weiss (Philosophy, UCT) |
May |
Existentialism: The Life and Work of Jean-Paul Sartre |
Dr Augustine Shutte (Philosophy, UCT) |
July |
What can we know? |
Mr Jacques Rousseau (Management Studies, UCT) |
August |
The Morality of a Moral Statute of Limitations on Injustice |
Dr Rodney Roberts (Philosophy, East Carolina University, USA & Fulbright Visiting Scholar, UCT) |
September |
Better Than Well: Enhancement Technologies and the Pursuit of Happiness |
Prof Carl Elliott (Center for Bioethics, University of Minnesota, USA) |
October |
The Value of Online Counselling |
Dr Greg Fried (Independent Scholar, Cape Town) |
February |
Why Does Freud Matter to Philosophy? |
Dr Elisa Galgut (Philosophy, UCT) |
March |
John Stuart Mill: Liberty versus utility? Some practical implications for private vice and public services |
Prof Peter Collins (Salford University, UK) |
April |
Shifting Landscapes: The New Face of Contemporary Philosophy |
Dr Anthony Holiday (Emeritus, School of Government, University of the Western Cape) |
May |
Putting the Magic Back into Philosophy |
Prof Simon Beck (Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal) |
August |
Selling the body: commercialism, commodification, and human reproduction |
Prof Ruth Macklin (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, USA) |
September |
"Our Vision and our Mission": Bullshit in public life and how to detect it. |
Dr Ben Kotzee (Philosophy, UCT) |
October |
The Philosopher's Cold War |
Prof Andrew Nash (Political Studies, UCT) |
February |
Can Severe Disability Justify Medically and Surgically Retarding the Growth of a Child?The Case of Ashley X, the ‘Pillow Angel’ |
Prof Len Doyal (Emeritus, Queen Mary’s School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of London, UK) |
March |
The Political Philosophy of Hannah Arendt:A Succinct Overview |
Prof Maurizio Passerin d’Entreves (Philosophy, UCT) |
April |
What’s Wrong with Cynicism? |
Dr Samantha Vice (Philosophy, Rhodes University) |
May |
Racism, Pragmatism and Perfectionism |
Prof Paul C. Taylor (Philosophy, Temple University, USA) |
July |
Dignity: Alienable and Inalienable |
Prof Raimond Gaita (Philosophy, King’s College London & Australian Catholic University) |
September |
The Coherence of Contingent Identity |
Mr Murali Ramachandran (Philosophy, Sussex University, UK) |
October |
The Personal Heresy in Philosophy |
Dr Kenneth Hughes (Mathematics, UCT) |
February |
Reading Minds: Mentalization and Literary Engagement |
Dr Elisa Galgut (Philosophy, UCT) |
March |
Experience, Narrative, and Ethical Objectivity |
Prof Cheryl Misak (Philosophy, University of Toronto, Canada) |
April |
Retributive Justice, Restorative Justice and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission |
Dr Lucy Allais (Philosophy, University of the Witwatersrand) |
May |
Motive and right action |
Dr Liezl van Zyl (Philosophy, University of Waikato, New Zealand) |
June |
Rogue Taxidermy and the Ethics of Body Worlds |
Prof Carl Elliott (Philosophy, University of Minnesota, USA) |
July |
Poets, Personae, Thoughtwriters |
Prof Kendall Walton (Philosophy, University of Michigan, USA) |
August |
Why Philosophy gets no respect |
Zak Van Straaten (Former Professor of Philosophy, UCT) |
September |
Metaphysics as Metaphor |
Dr Jack Ritchie (Philosophy, UCT) |
October |
Socialism and Philosophy |
Dr Ken Hughes (Mathematics, UCT) |
February |
Plato's Republic in the Athenian Context |
Prof Debra Nails(Michigan State University) |
March |
Forgiveness and Repentance |
Prof Martin Perlmutter (College of Charleston) |
April |
What should we expect of government? A famous seventeenth century account. |
Dr Gregory Fried (Philosophy, UCT) |
May |
The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World. |
Prof Owen Flanagan(Duke University) |
August |
Rape, its Harm, and Philosophy |
Prof Ward Jones (Rhodes University) |
September |
Do I Walk with my Dog? |
Prof Bernhard Weiss (Philosophy, UCT) |
October |
Do paintings resemble what they represent? |
Dr Elisa Galgut (Philosophy, UCT) |