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Africa Related Events at UCT

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Centre for African Studies

The Centre is the longest-established institution of its kind. It carries a mandate for promoting and supporting African Studies across the various Faculties of UCT.
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Requirements for a major in African Studies [AXL02]

The major offers students a coherent multi- and inter-disciplinary introduction to African Studies cover core content and theoretical contributions to the field. By drawing on the intellectual resources of Africa, the curriculum of the major affirms student agency; promote engagement, social and cultural awareness, self-reflexivity, multi- and inter-disciplinarity. We provide an enriched distinctive pedagogy that will develop in students’ high levels of criticality and creativity through the use of interactive learning, multi-media and project work.

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Rethinking Africa

Recent Event held on 7th February 2025: Book launch "The Oxford Handbook of Zambian Economy"

Prof Chitonge's book launch
Prof Chitonge gifted the High Commissioner of Zambia, Mrs Inonge Mwenya, a copy of his recent book. On the right seated is Prof Hirsch


Chitonge book launch

 Prof Shose Kessi opened the event, seated left is Prof Edwards 

Chitonge book launch

Dr Kabinga gave a talk on the handbook process, seated is Prof. Evance Kalula and Prof Chitonge.