An article David Benatar published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases elicited a response from Judge Edwin Cameron in his book Witness to AIDS. David Benatar wrote to him, saying that Judge Cameron had misunderstood the position defended in the article. The thread of the debate, which was first posted, at Judge Cameron’s request, on the website for Witness to AIDS, is now also included below:
David Benatar:
“HIV and the Hemi-Nanny State”, in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Vol. 2, July 2002, p. 394
Edwin Cameron:
Extract (pp. 196-7) from Witness to AIDS, Cape Town: Tafelberg, 2005 -
David Benatar:
Letter to Edwin Cameron, 4 April 2005
Edwin Cameron & Nathan Geffen:
Letter to David Benatar, 18 April 2005
David Benatar:
Letter to Edwin Cameron and Nathan Geffen, 20 April 2005