Elizabeth Tabot Ashu

PhD candidate

Research Topic: Land and Minorities in Africa: A Case of the Mbororo in the Northwest Region, Cameroon

Conference Presentation: 

NIHSS Doctoral Conference 2nd -4th November 2022, Virtual.

Topic: Land and Minorities in Africa: A Case Study of the Mbororo in the Northwest Region, Cameroon.


Tabot, E. 2019. An assessment of the Cameroonian government role in the Mbororo land struggle in the Northwest Region. In Land, the State and the Unfinished Decolonisation Project in Africa: Essays in Honour of Professor Sam Moyo, (H. Chitonge and Y. Mine, Eds. Mankon Bamenda: Langa Research and Publishing CIG. 253-283.


Tabot, E. 2022. The complexities of securing land rights for minorities in Africa: The case of the Mbororo land rights in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. In Land tenure challenges in Africa: Confronting the land governance deficit. H. Chitonge and R. Harvey, Eds. New York: Springer.