Language Activism Symposium

09 Nov 2019
09 Nov 2019

The A.C. Jordan Chair in African Studies and Linguistics Section invite you to a Symposium: "Reflecting on Language Activism in South Africa – A Symposium".

Date Venue and Time: 15 November 2019, 15.00 to 18.00 pm, CAS Gallery

Refreshments will be served.


Poster and Program attached

Organized by the A.C. Jordan Chair in African Studies and the Linguistics Section (AXL), funded by the AW Mellon Foundation


Speakers (in alphabetical order):

June Bam-Hutchison, Moshumee Dewoo, Zuziwe Msomi, Lindokuhle Patiwe, Chanel van der Merwe, Pule Welch



Intergenerational 'mother tongue' trauma in South Africa in the case of Khoekhoegowab: implications for a critically reflective multilingual higher education policy


Moshumee Dewoo, Zuziwe Msomi

Language, Power and Freedom: reflections on teaching a third year course


Lindokuhle Patiwe

Language as an archive


Chanel van der Merwe

Language policy as lived experience: a proposal


Pule Welch

To be confirmed